Personal Training
Introductory Start Up Package -
$180 for three , 1hr sessions
Session 1: Initial Assessment/Goal Setting
Session 2: Program Overview and
Exercise Demonstration
Session 3: Branch Out Workout
Follow-Up Sessions
Single Sessions - $65/hr
5 Session Package Deal - $300
10 Session Package Deal - $550
Partner/ Small Group Training
Partner Training - $80/hr for the pair
Designed to meet the needs of the collective pair.
Similar training goals are required to book this service.
5 Session Package Deal for Partner Training $375
Small Group Training - $90/hr for 3-5 people
Designed to meet the needs and requests of the group.
Please provide what type of training session the group is seeking.
Examples: Strength, Cardio, Combination, Yoga, Kettlebells, Kickboxing etc
5 Session Package Deal for Small Group Training $425
Branch Out Opportunity
Branch Out Opportunity is an educational and hands on demonstration that can add value to
your current workout regimen by introducing a new training tool or training concept.
Branch Out sessions provide fundamental principles as it relates to the given topic of choice.
Branch Out Opportunity Sessions - $60/session
Kettlebell Training
TRX Training
Balance Training
Optimize Your Nutritional Fueling